Favorite Family Stories
Cause Related
Multimedia Resumes
know those stories people love to tell during family gatherings? This
is my Dad in Texas, telling my sisters in Ohio and Florida, and
me in Illinois. about my Mom's 1st Camping Trip. This is told as only my
Dad could tell it. What favorite family
stories are YOU about to lose? Capture them now.
Notbohm, wrote this book. I was preparing for my son Max's
IEP meeting at his school. I read this piece and was
overwhelmed with emotion. I tried to capture both my
feelings and the essence of Ellen's words in this little flash
movie that includes photos of my son Max. Share it with someone
you know who needs to understand this challenging condition.
you realize that most kids graduating from college today can
expect to have as many as 20 full-time jobs during their working
career? The need for everyone to be able to market
themselves, throughout their career, will be critical.
What better way to do that than to capture your success stories.
Click on John's PDF resume here!
Sixtieth Wedding Anniversary, 50th Birthday, or
some such momentous occasion is coming up, and you ask yourself, "What
we possibly get them that will mean something that they don't already
have, that they won't feel was too much or too little?" Give
them the gift of irreplaceable memories! Click on the
move and keep a Kleenex handy! |
Where are the stories that can uplift our
spirits? The answer is that they exist all around us. Everywhere.
I think it is time that our churches, synagogues, mosques, and temples;
as well as our churches, schools and community centers learn to
use these great tools to capture the wonderful
everyday stories of faith that exist all around us.
We capture testimonials for businesses, but why not for You,
Inc as well? In other words, rather than the lame sort of
recommendations people get to support their resumes, why not
have someone interview the people who are part of your business
life -- colleagues, customers, superiors -- about the value you
bring. Check out this one for John DeBrocke. Don't you
want to hire him! |
don't need to wait for Tom Brokaw to call! You can capture
your own wonderful stories of the "Great Generation" before they
leave with their stories untold. If you don't do it for them,
or for you, do it for your own grandchildren. |
can tell the story of your not-for-profit better than the very
people who receive its benefits. Listen to the story of
the Haynes family. Few can resist a great story told by kids,
and these can be done so cost effectively you can have many
stories to tell.
has lame recommendations letters from their Boss. And MOST
of them were written by the Job Seeker! Not so with John
DeBrocke. Listen to this powerful interview. How does YOUR
lame letter from your Boss stack up against this. Who do
YOU think will get the job! |
son Jordan had to do a "Heritage Project" for school.
Rather than the normal boring stuff, we had him interview his
grandpa over the phone to ask about his great grandpa.
Here is a little snippet of this 20 minute presentation. |
we work with my son, Max, who has autism, we have captured his
progress throughout the years. Here is a bit of Max
working with his trainers. This video has helped family,
friends, teachers, and administrators understand Max a little
better. It has been particularly valuable in his
Individual Educational Program (IEP) meeting with our school
district. |
stop with just ONE customer telling of your virtues? As my
Daddy used to say, "Even a blind hog can find an acorn some
day!" So don't let people think you are one dimensional.
Let them hear from at least 3 people. Why do you think
they always want 3 letters to go with your resume? |
a big family reunion coming up? This little flash movie
was created in a "flash!" We used the "J2" method to
capture the stories off of a cell phone. The voicemails
came to my email box. I pulled them off, added the photos
and some music and had a wonderful memory . . . just in time . .
. Grandpa Webb died shortly after.
is growing at an astonishing rate. About 1 in every 100
children born today will be diagnosed with Autism. This is
a personal issue for me. Because my 8 year-old son, Max,
has autism. This movie is about his school. We are
doing it for a fundraiser. The voices you hear are
parents, including me, sharing their stories via voicemail that
was converted to this presentation.
are more than just your resume. Who you are as a complete
person, can be as critical to your success as your business
skill or experience. Listen to "The Man Beyond the Resume"
by clicking on the photos of John DeBrocke's family above. |
wonder if you have any ancient treasures laying around? An
old movie? An old scrapbook? In this case, we had an
ancient phonograph record – a 78 rpm brittle scratched up mess.
But with a little sound sweetening it was enough to bring tears
to my Mom's eyes when she heard the first chord.
Tourette's Syndrome Assn New Jersey Gets $1 Million

(Video Coming Soon)
Ok, this is just bragging I know. This is my son,
Jordan, wowing the folks at his middle school concert as he
plays his Sax. We wanted to let the high school band
teacher know he was coming. When he is ready for college,
we will have a video collage of his growth. How could they
resist this guy! :-) |