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Make Money AND Help Your Clients, Friends, and Associates!

I cannot think of ANYONE who does not need to better understand their own clients.  Can you?  Nope.  They just don't exist.  And we all would benefit from capturing some incredible Raving Fan stories. Think of them as your own personal motivational tapes!

As a More & Better Clients Affiliate, you can help a lot of people, make money, and I will do all the heaving lifting for you! You don't have to sell a thing.  Just present your clients and associates an opportunity to learn.  I'll do the rest.



MABC Affiliate Program

EVERYONE on this planet needs to understand the
real value they provide to others, as an affiliate, you
can give them that opportunity and make money too!

Become an affiliate by clicking on the
image to the left.

If you are already an affiliate, click on that same image in the upper right corner of any page to log in to check your account.

It is a basic human need to feel like the work you do is appreciated.  Age does not matter.  Kids need this as much as adults do.  Job position does not matter.  A stay-at-home Mom or Dad, or a retired Grand Pa or Grand Ma, need this acknowledgement just as much as a career person or business owner.

And for those folks responsible to bring home the bacon, for their family or their company, what is learned on this site is crucial to their success.

You owe it to your clients and associates to introduce these concepts to them.

You need never SELL this program to anyone.  You can just invite them to join one of my FREE Monthly calls by giving them your affiliate link.  If they like what they hear and want to consume more, you will automatically be paid an affiliate commission.

I hate bookkeeping so I have automated everything to ensure you get paid every dime you have coming, and I have empowered YOU to be able to check my records.  On my affiliate site, you will be able to see your account, see who signed up, and see the commissions paid to you.

Why do I insist on paying you through PayPal?  Why not write checks?  Because paying you electronically is faster, easier to track, and ensures that you will get your money faster than waiting on me to write and mail checks.

What if this program could actually sell YOU?

If you can get together at least 20 people to attend a private webinar, then I will do the More and Better Clients Introductory Webinar on a special day and time just for YOU AND if you have done a Raving Fan interview yourself, or had me create one for you, then during the call, I will feature that story as an example of how Raving Fans are created.  Think of it. 

I would feature YOUR Raving Fan story in my program.  Everyone would learn how to capture stories themselves, while they hear about how truly wonderful YOU are.  Could there be anything better than that?

You get to . . .

1. Provide your own clients and prospects with a great webinar that will offer them valuable information that EVERYONE can use and it costs you NOTHING.

2. I promote YOU without actually SELLING you, during the private webinar.  You see, I do not talk about how great you are.  I simply use your Raving Fan story to illustrate concepts in the More and Better Clients system. This is a powerful indirect way of selling your services.

3. You get a 10% affiliate commission on any of my services sold to them for one year.

4. You get $50 per month for EVERY month that they stay a member, if they sign up for the MABC Group Coaching program. That can mean $600 for a year, for each person who stays subscribed!

Feel bad about taking a commission from your clients?

No worries, Mate! Here are two great options:

Create a Raving Fan Story for your favorite charity or cause. Accumulate your affiliate earnings, and I will match you dollar for dollar for any philanthropic cause.  Ask me for details, and I can show you many ways this can be done.

Create a Favorite Family Story as a gift to a loved one or a special client. There is no gift quite so wonderful as capturing a great Favorite Family Story.  You can find many examples in Bill's Attic (Just Click Here) I love this process so much that I will give you a 20% discount on anything you want me to produce for you and you can pay the balance with your affiliate earnings.

I will be adding more and more resources to help you promote a private webinar to your clients, prospects, and associates as I develop this program so watch for new stuff.

Questions?  Just call me!

Become an affiliate by clicking on the image to the left.

If you are already an affiliate, click on that same image in the upper right corner of any page to log in to check your account.





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