About Bill Metcalf
15 years of TechnoMotivating and interviewing Raving Fans developed Bill's skills.
Bill's Prior Life!
Bill traveled the
country for over 15 years as the Nation's TechnoMotivator™.
He interviewed hundreds of customers
of technology to discover their pain and how technology might solve
their problems. The diversity of his client base enabled Bill to learn
to speak to nearly anyone about any business segment.
Be sure to
scroll below Bill's
to see Bill's huge CLIENT LIST!
M Squared Creative Magic Line, Inc Medical Case Management Conference Methodist Retirement Home Association Michigan Credit Union League Mid-America Equipment Dealers Association Midwest Society of Professional Consultants Mighty Automotive Minnesota Credit Union League Minnesota Realtors Association Minnesota Transportation Department Moore Handly Hardware Morton Salt Motorola Mutual Services Corporation National Council of Postal Credit Unions National Education Association National Realtors® Association National Rural Electrical Cooperative Association National Rural Telecommunications Association National Spa & Pool Association Nation's Bank Nortel North American Equipment Dealers Association North Central Electrical Association North San Antonio Chamber of Commerce Northeastern Lumber Association Open Systems, Inc Orion Offset
Where to next?
Depends a bit on where you have been so far!
You never know how people are going to visit any website. But if you have followed my lead so far, and you went through the Home Page, How We Work, and Is This You?, then I suggest you next go to see what Services and Products (Click Here!) you can find here to help you – some of which are FREE!