Home FREE Stuff! Raving Fan Interviews Services & Products Contact Us

Can't you just do this stuff for me Bill?

Of course I can.  I interview clients and their Raving Fans nearly every week helping people tell their stories to attract More and Better Clients. 

And I can do it for you as well.  Be sure to check out Bill's Client Showcase page to see examples of my work.




Consulting  "Just get it done!" Sometimes you need to spend time to learn to do it yourself.  Other times, you just need to get it done and start making money now.  That is what you do here.

Testimonials and Case Studies

If you are thinking of working with me, you should have already watched some of the interviews I have done that are shown on the Bill's Client Showcase page. Understand that you will most certainly get some great testimonials from the interviews I do for you, but you will also get a great deal more.

The interviews I can produce for you can create all of the following:

  Powerful full-length Case Studies

  Strategic short Testimonial sound bites you can use on the web and email.

  Discovery of new services you can offer current clients creating new revenue streams.

  Development of your Unique Selling Proposition from your customer's perspective.

  Conversion of your Raving Fans into Evangelists who offer endless referrals.

  Insights into potential new target markets and how to penetrate them.

  Creation of co-marketing opportunities with your clients.

Of course, we cannot guarantee all of the deliverables above can come from each and every interview (although this often happens) as the results depend on how good you are and how pleased your client is with your work. 

The current price for all that follows with me doing the work for you is $1,995 per Raving Fan interview.  If that price is a barrier to you, you can choose to do some of the work yourself after I do the initial interview.  That can save you $1,000 per interview.  It is simply a matter of how valuable your time is and how much you want to learn to do. You will find a schedule of services below.

The process for this work is pretty straight forward:

  I send you a marketing inventory so I can understand what you are trying to accomplish.

  During a coaching call, we discuss the inventory and select a Raving Fan to interview

  You complete a short form that captures the highlights of what you did with this client.

  You invite the client to be in your "client showcase" -- I will show you how to do this.

  I do the interview and record it on my computer.

  We connect again via phone to discuss the results.

  You get the full length high resolution audio file.

Then you have some production decisions to make about the movie:

  Can you do audio editing?  It is the most time consuming part of this work and you can save yourself money if you are willing to do that.  Otherwise you engage me to do it for you.

  Do you want the audio transcribed? (Highly Recommended!)  I have a very reliable and reasonable source who can do that for you, or you can do it yourself.

  Do you want to display a Flash movie on your website as you have seen on my site?  I can show you how to do it yourself, or you can engage me for that.

  Would you like that movie to be available on www.YouTube.com? Would you like to be able to play it for a customer right off of your IPOD?  I can do that for you as well.

Bill Metcalf
The Testimonial Guy
Client Interviewing Services

Standard Service


Full Service




Interview Recording Services

I interview YOU 1st for USP/Client History

I arrange phone interview w/client & me

I develop questions to ask your client

I record the interview on my computer

I send you the UNEDITED audio file

You & I discuss how to use interview

Post Production Services

Audio Editing

Basic "clean up" editing to remove "umms, ahhs, pauses, etc.  

Sound Bite Editing – creates 20-30 second testimonials for web & email distribution  

Testimonial Editing – creates 1-3 minute testimonials for use on web or in emails  

Case Study Editing – reduces 30-40 minute interview to 8-12 minute "whole story" interview  

Multimedia Production

Creation of PowerPoint template based upon your current website graphics    

Creation of text and graphics slide show in PowerPoint    

Production of AVI movie combining PowerPoint show and audio    

Creation of FLASH movie files to share case study movie on the web    

Buy Now by Clicking on the Buttons


But I already have the interviews done, so I just need Sound Editing and Flash movie production!  How do I do that?

Just click on these "a la carte" links:
Sound Editing Only
Flash Movie Production Only

Are you ready to start?  Call me today!

Bill Metcalf

(Central Time in Chicago, IL)



Templates in Time